Scientists have identified the only animal on Earth immortal, RBC. Unusual jellyfish, called Turritopsis nutricula, has the unique ability to rejuvenate itself indefinitely.
Jellyfish of this type of relatively high: only 4-5 mm in diameter. And unlike most of the jellyfish, who after taking part in the reproductive cycle of dying, Turritopsis Nutricula after mating back to the juvenile stage.
Today it is the only known representative of the fauna of scientists capable of such a rejuvenation. Theoretically, such a cycle of a jellyfish is able to do forever, making it potentially immortal. These creatures represent a class gidrozoev die only if they eat or kill. According to one hypothesis, the cells in the body of the jellyfish are transformed and converted from one type to another.
At present, marine biologists and geneticists are studying closely jellyfish to trace the transformation of cells from one form to another, known in science as transdifferentsiatsiya.
Given that they do not die a natural death, Turritopsis Nutricula under certain conditions, can be too much multiplied, upset the balance of the oceans. Dr Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, said in an interview with The Sun: ' We are witnessing the silent invasion of jellyfish around the world '. Originally Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish come from the Caribbean, but they gradually penetrated into other geographical areas.
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